In August Kids Artistic Revue, Inc. (KAR) commenced proceedings in the Federal Court of Australia against Global Events and Entertainment Pty Ltd (Global Events), more commonly known as “Showcase Australian Dance Championships” and “Hollywood Bound” as well as its director, Peter Oxford.

The proceedings alleged that Global Events and Mr Oxford engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct in breach of the Australian Competition and Consumer Act 2010 by publishing statements about KAR that KAR claimed to be false.

The statements that were made about KAR’s entry into the Australian market were extremely disappointing. In KAR’s opinion, having more events in Australia benefits the industry and the children who will have more opportunities to dance. KAR welcomes competition and wider availability of different events for our budding dancers.

We are pleased that the Court proceedings have now resolved and Global Events:

  1. has acknowledged that the statements it made about KAR were completely false and unreservedly apologising to KAR and our staff; and
  1. is paying a portion of the legal fees that KAR has incurred in order to properly defend its reputation and its case.

A copy of Global Events’ statement:


In June 2015 Global Events & Entertainment Pty Ltd (Global Events) issued a number of public statements on behalf of Showcase Australian Dance Championships and Hollywood Bound.   Those statements made representations about Kids Artistic Revue, Inc (KAR), an American Dance Company.

The statements and representations that Global Events made about KAR were completely false. Global Events withdraws all of its statements and representations about KAR and unconditionally and unreservedly apologises to KAR and its staff.

We wish all the KAR team the best of luck during their tour of Australia and hope they enjoy the Australian hospitality of the dance community. 

Yours sincerely

Peter Oxford”


KAR recently completed its first tour of Australia providing a unique opportunity for Australia to benefit from the skill, excitement and decades of experience that KAR brings to the dance industry. KAR is already planning its 2016 tour when it will again be offering a wonderful opportunity to all dancers, teachers and studios in Australia.

We hope to see you at our events and if you have any queries or questions about the Court proceedings please contact KAR’s lawyers, Hazan Hollander, at